Invisalign in Charlotte is a very popular type of orthodontic treatment. Unlike traditional metal braces, clear aligners make tooth realignment a lot more comfortable and discreet. The success of Invisalign treatment often depends on many factors, such as the type of alignment issues you are dealing with, as well as how well your teeth respond
Archive | Invisalign
Can Invisalign Fix an Open Bite?
Just a few decades ago, the only option for fixing teeth misalignments and malocclusions was metallic braces. Understandably, a lot of people postponed getting orthodontic treatment in Charlotte as they were feeling too self-conscious about wearing a bunch of wires in their mouths. Fortunately, things have changed and now you can opt for Invisalign to
Can Invisalign Fix a Crossbite?
If you want to correct your smile but are really dreading the idea of getting traditional metal braces, then Invisalign may be just the right answer for you. Invisalign uses clear trays placed on the teeth to help them shift back into their natural position. These trays are adjusted to apply different pressure on the